Font Sizes

Paragraph Font Size „Standard“
Paragraph Font Size „Klein/small“ 13
Paragraph Font Size „Normal“ 16
Paragraph Font Size „Mittel/medium“ 20
Paragraph Font Size „Groß/Big“ 36
Paragraph Custom 40
Current state: Paragraphs render same size except custom 40. As soon as you narrow width to mobile size in portrait font sizes render correctly.
-> Breakpoint issue?
Text Color
This is some text with color set to „black“.
This is some text with color set to hex code #000000.
This is some text with color set to accent color.
This is some text with color set to body color.
This is some text with color set to header background.
This is some text with color set to black and white background.
This is some text with color set to white and black background.
This is some text with color set to black and body color background.
This is some text with color set to white and header background color.